i wouldn’t be telling him i was even in labour do what you feel is right for you not everyone else, it’s you giving birth! i feel like people these days think it’s some novelty being at the birth but he doesn’t sound like he’d be useful during 💓
I agree with @Jessica
I didn’t tell my BD when I was in labour or when I had gave birth waited 5 days before his sister called me and told him. It was a similar situation to yours. Instead I had my mum and my sister there and I wouldn’t have had it any other way. You will be vulnerable and in pain and no one that causes you stress should be there. You need people that will advocate for you whilst you can’t do so for yourself xx
It sounds like he isn’t concerned about your or your baby’s health. I’ve had to deal with my bd being inconsistent like that even now that my baby is 18 months old. He comes and goes and he pleases and never actually cares if the baby needs anything. Now I feel like I made a huge mistake letting him be at my birth since he stressed me out my whole pregnancy and postpartum. I also regret giving my baby his last name and putting him on the birth certificate because now he’s always threatening he’s going to take me to court and take my baby away from me. I would advice you to give birth in peace and like the other girls on these comments said, have people who will comfort you and love you during this vulnerable moment in your life. I would also advice you not to give your baby his last name or put him on the birth certificate. He sounds like he doesn’t actually care whether you’re doing good right now carrying HIS baby or not and not contributing to what the baby needs is a huge red flag
honestly no your not wrong. I would let him see the baby after it's born and cleaned up and you are more relaxed and just had some time with the baby without him before he comes. Maybe he can stay in the room with the baby and you can go on a walk/ride in a wheelchair and get some air or eat in the cafeteria or something if you don't want to be around him like that.
I made the mistake of having my ex at the birth it was so stressful leading up to giving birth. You are totally doing the right thing and wish I would have done the same. Its my biggest regret. Keep it for yourself hun and enjoy every moment xx
I waited a week to tell him and I still to this day haven't told him if I had a vaginal birth or a c section because he puts me down in every way possible and it's not his business. I do not regret waiting that week and I wish I had just let my lawyer be the reason he found out rather than telling him myself.
You are the one growing the baby and birthing baby is your experience. Its your choice who's around you during that time. If blocking him brings you peace that's wonderful because that's the emotion that's gonna be best for you. Focus on being a mama and having bonding time with little one. Tell him when it feels right to you is my thoughts on it. No matter the reasons. Personally I never told mine. About 10 days later a family member stepped in and did it. It was a whole thing. I'm glad I had that experience w my mom tho. She was comforting to me. He gave me anxiety to a point where I still even feel sick around him. I wasn't going to let him spoil those moments for me 🤷♀️ If he had been supportive,kind,calming ect he would have been invited. That simply wasn't the case. Just do what feels right for you
Sounds like bd has a lot of work for himself to do. At least your bd was able to buy a few things before baby's here. My thing 1 doesn't even have his last name. I wish I never told him I was pregnant to begin with lol
Childbirth is the most vulnerable you will ever be and you should be surrounded by people who bring you peace and comfort. If that’s not him, then no he should not be there.