I went through this 2 years ago with my sons father who was abusive. I left him when I finally realised he didn't care about me at all. That's when I gave up and left. You get to a point when you know you deserve better and you realise that it's not a real relationship when only one person is making effort to fix the relationship. I knew I deserved better.
I've been back and forth with my baby's dad for 6 years on and off. But finally after just realising he is a waste of space and does not love me no matter what he says I left him. I won't lie it is hard on my baby as she misses him ( we now co parent) but it got to the point where I was doing everything and could no longer recognise myself. Had to leave and now focusing on raising my baby. It's hard I'm still heartbroken but life is too short to waste on someone who doesn't actually care about you. My baby still has her dad but he no longer has me. Wish you luck with whatever decision you make. Just know you are worth more x
I want to know how you do it financially.
I had to go on benefits, it was either that or put my baby in nursery full time while I work full time and I didn't want that. So for now I'm home with him full time. In a weird way my disability makes me a bit lucky as the benefits give us a pretty good quality of life. if I didn't have a disability no doubt we would be really struggling though.
@Kelly in my experience I was working and paying for everything anyway so it made no difference. Sorry that I can't be of more help.
@Sam OH really? Is your disability adhd? As i also have that.
Yep, it's severe and I'm on medication but it doesn't help that much tbh x
I went through this. My daughter is 5 & I truly let go when she was 4... EVERY situation and person is different, though. My daughter, personally, has been thriving since then