I personally don’t want anybody near me except my OH whilst in labour/early days. I don’t even want anybody I know driving me to the hospital (OH doesn’t drive so we will Uber again). Not opposed to visits after but it’s such a private time. I assume sister might not have children so wouldn’t understand? You don’t get this time back so if you feel strongly then stand your ground, kindly of course.
Snap snap snap! only I'm in Wales and mum is England so not exact but technically abroad 😉 lol My mum is the only person who can come to look after our house cats whilst I'm in hospital so it's a necessity as much as I wouldnt have her stay with us otherwise. You're definitely not an a-hole for wanting privacy at this time. Tell her to put herself in your shoes, she clearly doesn't understand. My mum has actually said when we know when I'm coming out of hospital she might get a local hotel for a couple of nights if we want her to be around but have our own space. I'd continue with your original plan. Your mum had fair warning, she could have decided to travel later after your new addition was here. Stand firm mamma! X
I've got in laws and my mum coming from abroad as well during the same period of time and my mum will be staying in the spare bedroom as long as she agrees to help me out with house stuff and baby (she'll be here when baby should be about 2 weeks old) but if it's more than one person wanting to stay then definitely not gonna have that. My in laws have booked an Airbnb. It's your first baby but is it their first grand baby? In my case it is so there's no way I can keep the grandparents away
My mum came over the weekend from abroad and she is staying with us for at least a month. Still waiting for the baby, but I personally wouldn't want to put my mum in a hotel when we have a spare bedroom.
My mum is currently staying with us as I am due anytime now and she will be here for two weeks, at first I was not sure about it either but then I thought she will be of help when little one is here in the early days and she will barely see her otherwise anyway and we have a good relationship all in all. Buuuuut boundaries are important, she has to understand that me and my partner are the parents and she is only the grandmother and that I need to look after myself right now before giving birth and am not here to entertain anyone. But there is no right or wrong. It is an intense and special situation for us right now anyway, if you do not want her staying at your house, this is perfectly fine too and you shouldn't need to have to explain yourself to anyone.