I went DF when she was 8 weeks! And noticed within a few days her symptoms got better, then over the next week or so she was much happier and pooing every day etc. Her rash never completely went and would flare up randomly but I’ve since found out she’s allergic to egg so since I cut that out too she’s been a different baby x
Had a rash doctors said was heat rash, projectile vomiting, muscoy poops, pooped after or during every bottle plus a extra 2 or 3 times a day, fidgety during feeds, wanted the milk but didn't, sneezed after bottles. I took her to the drs when she was almost 4 months old when I took her. Xx LG also had really dry patches on her arms as well that the dr noticed. Xx
We didn’t have a rash - lots of reflux, gas and green mucus filled poo
We didn’t have much - mucous poos and reflux. But I suspected so reduced then cut out dairy entirely (EBF). When he started solids it was very evident and the eczema started too. Don’t be fobbed off! My HV literally said to me “oh breast fed babies don’t get reflux” and I was just gobsmacked. Because he was breast fed and he did have reflux, what did she want me to say 😂🤦🏻♀️
My LG didn’t have a rash, but was very uncomfortable passing stools and then after a few weeks started passing blood in her stool. The change after starting dairy free was amazing
Reflux Blood and mucus in poop Fussiness Rashes Trap gas Congestion due to reflux I went dairy free (since I breastfeed) started 2 months ago he’s 4 weeks at that time and my baby feels a lot better. Less spits up and no rashes. Blood and mucus in the poop is also gone. We also changed his formula to Alimentum Similac.
@Emmi what kind of rash did she have like what did it look like?
@Astley what kind of rashes did they get?
The only thing my girl has was watery poo from the minute she had my milk, at 4 weeks she was put on nutramigen and she still had the watery poos. 2 weeks ago she started with a dribble rash and now it’s developed into full blown eczema all over her body. I tried her on cow & gate 1 week ago for the dr to double check it was definitely a dairy allergy and she was so congested, wheezy, rashy and irritable. She’s now moving onto nutramigen puramino but her eczema is horrendous and she’s now developed reflux. I’m hoping the puramino sorts her poo out bc she’s never had a normal poo. Always pure water and she leaks through everything she’s got on 🙃
Mucussy green poo and didn’t gain weight properly.
Mine had: Congestion, wheezing, cough, reflux, stomach pain, colic/excessive crying, gut dysmotility, straining to poo, explosive poos, mucus in poo, blood in poo, nappy rash, wind, eczema/rash and disturbed sleep. Didn’t get a diagnosis until he was 6mo 😢 which is when we went dairy free If the doctors are on the fence have they advised you do elimination and reintroduction? That’s what confirms the allergy so they should be advising this. It’s set out in the NICE guidelines for diagnosis and management.
Girrrrrrrrrrl! Cows milk allergy mom here!!!!!! My son got hospitalized because of this!!! Neocate sis!!! Step on those Dr's toes. My son at 5mos was projectile vomiting. Crying consistently. He was 8lbs at 5mos! I became crazy. I was not ok. My son was so sick. After him being hospitalized? They put him on Neocate. It's a super stinky formula. They had to ween him on it. Not off. But, he got better over time. My son was so skinny. I had made 14 visits about the cows milk. Girl! Get in those Dr's butt and demand tests. An DONT let no Dr turn you away. It's ok to put up a fight 🥹 If you would like to DM me? I'm more than willing to help. But my son got put on Neocate because I could not produce milk like a lot of women do. Just didn't happen.
@Emmi All of what she said too. Honestly just switch to dairy free if baby seems better then is that for sure if not then it's something else.
Noticed around 2 weeks old, admitted to hospital at 3 weeks old and diagnosed, mucuousy poos about 20-30 a day he was pooping so much that he never slept and when he wasn’t pooping he was screaming till he turned purple and passed out from the pain, he’d then wake up a minute later and start the screaming again arching back etc, so was clear he was in agony. Settled after a day on Calpol and then me going completely dairy free x
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@Ashleigh this is exactly like my little one! You could have written it about him! How have you been getting on? Have the doctors said what’s causing the symptoms yet?
Rash all over body, really unsettled - she was constantly crying, in obvious discomfort (would pull legs up, arch her back, go completely stiff) constipated - would poo every 5ish days, really smelly gas, mucus in poo, silent reflux, would only sleep on me