@Mou we have cot bed but I dunno when to take the sides away. We don't cuddle her in bed but it's a matter of when should she be able to be put to bed and leave her there
I wouldn't put so much pressure on yourself or her, my oldest is 3 and I still stay in her room until she is asleep. If it works for you then there is no time pressure to change it. She falls asleep within about 10 mins most days which makes it geel absolutely fine to wait with her. If your little takes a while maybe look at sleep schedule and bedtimes instead x
I put my oldest in a floor bed since she was 14 months old. It really helps to give her cuddles in bed so I could creep away when she was asleep without moving her. Now I have floor beds for her twin sisters and it works out great for all of them. I still hang around until they're asleep but no more rocking or precarious transfers.