Child maintenance and universal credit

Ladies, I never thought I would be going through this. Been married for 10 years, I’m a nurse but because of childcare needs, I have not been working. My narcissistic soon to be ex is a doctor, he pays the mortgage and does selective monthly shopping. The little I get from bank shift when I do go I add to the house. But things are getting so bad, he stopped giving me money for over 2 years now, no sex, no communication and he mentally and emotionally abuses me. He initiated divorce but chicken out I can’t endure anymore and want to file. Does anybody know about child mainatance well? I have a 3, 5, and 8 years olds. Citizen advice said I’m entitled to UC but I do not understand how it all works. I have read about it but still do not understand. Is it support you pay back? What about child maintainace? Please put me through if you can
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Child maintenance is worked out based on the fathers wages. Universal credit is a benefit to help, you don’t pay it back, it is worked out based on your circumstances, when I was pregnant I used a benefit calculator on turn2us which tells you what you are entitled to, which really helped me to know what I would get. Then each month your universal credit can vary depending on your earnings. So if you earn more than a certain about, every £1 you earn they take 55p off your UC. I hope that helps?

Uc is a benefit calculated on a monthly basis from when you make the claim. Each month (assessment period) your payment is calculated and made up of entitlements and deductions. For example you will have a standard allowance, an amount for children and potentially housing if you rent. The deductions are usually due to earnings or loans. A benefit calculator such as entitled to will give you an idea of the amount. It doesn't need to be paid back. Depending on how much you earn you may be asked to attend appointments in the jobcentre or over the phone. These are geared towards working or increasing hours but your work coach should be bc able to make adjustments to suit your circumstances within reason. Child maintenance is separate and can either be paid direct from your ex to you, or collected. If you opt for the collected option you won't need to have direct contact with your ex but fees will be taken out of the money. Feel free to message if you have any questions x

@Bethaney thanks Beth, I appreciate. I was so scared to apply as I don’t want to end up in debts. That’s why I kept enduring saying to myself atleast I have a roof over my head but it’s just getting so worst

@Becca thank Becs, I’m happy for them to take the fee for me not be in contact with him.

You won’t get it if you’re still married and living with him as it takes his wage into consideration. You can also get 30 free nursery hours for your 3yo if you’re working

@Molly if you are married and in the same property but separated you can still claim UC as a single person as you are no longer a single household unit.

@Molly thank Molly, I don’t intend to apply for UC till I file do divorce just looking for ways to support myself till I stand back up

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