Hey lovely! We're on the same boat too! My son is 16 months and eats hardly anythign when it comes to meal times
My little one was a great eater but that's been on the decline recently. He's becoming more fussy which results in smaller amounts eaten. However I was watching a reel on Instagram by a paediatrician and she said between 18 months and 3 years it's actually quite normal for them to not eat as much, to refuse food etc. It's partially about control and probably because there's so much other stuff going on so they get distracted. Perfect example. Offered my son various things last night all a bit hit and miss. He seemed to be done so I released him. We had a different dinner so took it in the lounge with us. He was all over us asking for a bite of my corn on the cob and a bit of my burger. He just didn't want to be in the booster seat at the table. Maybe I should just feed him on the go 😅
@Katie thank you. Yes, mine has done similar at times. Won’t show any interest in her own plate of food but will sidle up to anyone else’s place and help herself to what she fancies. Sometimes I think she prefers if things aren’t cut up especially for her to handle. And food always tastes better off someone else’s place right ; ) Thank you!
Thank you. Fingers crossed they find their appetites some time in the near future!
I am experiencing exactly the same! 17month old who has never been a big eater, not a greedy child. Some days it’s like feeding a little bird and she’s happy with a few raisins or berries at dinner. Or just a yoghurt. We’ve recently had a bug at home and her appetite is even worse now. We try variety of foods but she refuses everything. We’re at a loss at what to do tbh. You’re not alone xx