Throwing up

My 1 week old throws up after feeds, not a lot. Just a little bit here and there. I’ve read conflicting things online that it’s relatively normal and could be a little bit of reflux (which wouldn’t surprise me as I have suffered with reflux my whole life) and the baby could just grow out of it. He’s producing wet and pooey nappies. He has lost a little weight but nothing concerning, just the normal weight new borns normally lose. So is this relatively normal and I should just keep an eye on it for now? I will check with the midwife when I next see them anyway, but just for peace of mind for now.
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A little bit is normal, sometimes they just eat more than their little stomachs can hold.

Totally normal as long as it’s spit up rather than projectile vomitting. My children both spit up mostly when they burped and a little bit came up. Although at times may be because I hadn’t held them upright long enough. My 6 week old is spitting up after about half his feeds but he is comfortable and happy x

I wasted so much of my time worrying about this and my boy is two years old if there is one thing I would to go back and tell myself was don’t worry it’s normal!!! It’s not projectile it’s normal Some babies do that You see no rash ?? Don’t stress mama and boys spill a lot too not sure wat baby you have but don’t even waste ur energy enjoy ur baby

My son was the same from day one. He had reflux after every feed, which was a little exhausting mentally. I ended up burping him a lot, holding him upright for 30 minutes after every feed, which helped a tiny bit. It was only really after about 12 months it went away, and he doesn't suffer from any symptoms nowadays 🙂

My baby does the same too. I asked the doctor because I was worried it was reflux or something like that but no. If its just like a wet burp where it comes out a bit, its fine. Probably eating a bit too much. I was told to dial back half an ounce for my baby. It has helped some but hasn’t stopped all together. Don’t worry! Its normal, just annoying to keep changing him all day and the laundry lol

This has made me feel so much better, thank you everyone. There’s so much to be anxious about so it’s good to know it can be normal. I will bring it up to the midwife anyway but this has put my mind to ease!

Sick ups are totally normal part of having a little baby Sometimes it can just be because they've had a little bit too much or too much to quickly. Try to pace feed if you're bottle feeding.

Totally normal, babies spit up as their tummies are really not developed besides to intake milk but even then their gut is still forming thats why we can't intro food until 4-5mo & even then its cereal or barley, oat, mixed with milk You could, big could bc it may not change anything but could swirl when making bottles VS shaking the bottle. But I'm sure you've already figured that out

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