Genuinly Curious

Why do people spend a ton of money on drug store pregnancy tests when the dollar tree tests are just as effective? I understand if there isn’t a dollar tree in your area but do people not know that they’re equally as effective? If people don’t know this I feel we should spread the word, save us girlies some cash!
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OK so my answer to this question was bc I had no idea they sold pregnancy tests 😅😂 when I found out ? Yea def only bought from dollar tree. It was so cheap and works just the same.

@Brittany yeah we definitely need to spread the word. I go there for children’s craft material and tests and that’s it lol

Less steps for me 😂

I used the Dollar tree test when I found the first time and this time and honestly I always just keep a couple tests in the house in case thank God because I had some really bad morning sickness symptoms and boom baby number two is on the way LOL 😆 you'll never catch me spending like 50 bucks or $30 I'm freaking test that's just nuts to me I don't get it, I guess some people also do it though which I've seen for like Shadow board picture things I don't know LOL

That's how I found out I'm pregnant with dollar tree tests. They are honestly the same as the name brand ones just only a dollar. I would rather spend a dollar than a unnecessary amount of money for the same results

I've always used the 50 cent tests on Amazon, and they are perfect. 🤣 Given that I bought the 20 pack when trying to conceive, people don't usually need that many tests. But yeah, I used to use those expensive tests before I started trying with my last one. Some women don't know or either don't trust because they are cheap, but I've definitely learned they are all the same, haha.

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