
How do you get your kiddos down? Toddler is WILD and fights her sleep for HOURS just tossing and turning. We have the lights off, no distractions, sound machine, we follow a bedtime routine of bath time and reading a book. But nothing seems to get her to sleep “on time” She wakes up 7:30/8am, try to get her to nap around 12:30pm but will fight tooth and nail and not nap until 2pm and bath at 8pm bed time by 8:30pm We try to keep her schedule pretty structured and consistent but she is so strong willed and will not sleep. UPDATE: got her a weighted blanket!! I use it just to help her fall asleep while I’m in the room with her. Once she’s deep asleep, I take it off and this has helped SO MUCH! BUT I also too your advice about getting her down for bedtime earlier and that’s also improved so much! THANK YALL!
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We’ve had to lengthen wake windows over the past few months and are flexible with bedtime based on when he wakes up from his nap! My son is 22m and needs about 12 hours awake in a day - when is yours waking up from nap and then bedtime?

How long does she nap? Sleep experts say they need 12-14 hours of total sleep in a day. We had to move my son’s nap a little earlier and always cap it at 1.5-2 hours otherwise he just isn’t tired at his bedtime. When he naps 11:45-1:30 he sleeps at night 8pm-7am

It sounds like you might be putting her down PAST the time she should be going down… if I wait until my son is cranky… it’s already TOO LATE, he’s already tired and going to fight me but if I put him down when he’s happy and playing and in a good mood, he goes down fine. The biggest mistake parents make is not allowing their children to get the sleep they need! My son is almost two and he takes a 4 hour nap and goes to bed at 6pm and wakes up at 8am! I tried putting him down around 7:30-8:30 when my in-laws were living with us and he started waking up at 5am!! I would try putting her down wayyyyy earlier than you think she needs to go down… like when I say my son goes to bed at 6….hes in BED at 6.

Just here to say we're going through the same thing. Thinking it's a regression/development leap since my son has had an explosion in new language but the fighting sleep is so hard

I agree with Rachel! My daughter takes a 3-4 hour nap usually waking up around 330/4 but by 6 she's ready for bed and sleeps 630pm-8 or 9am. But if we keep her up for some reason till like 730/8 we've noticed she takes longer to fall asleep and then is up super early and is CRANKY

@LeAynne your daughter sleeps 18 hours a day and is only awake for 6 hours a day at almost 2 years old??

@Diana most days yes 😅 we've talked about it with her pediatrician but she's super advanced physically (like she walked at 8 months) and with words and meeting all milestones so she said just let her sleep 🤷🏻‍♀️ she sleeps 630-8 most of the time and then back down for a nap around 1230 until 4. Some days she will wait until 1/130 to nap or wake up at 3 but that's her normal schedule.

@LeAynne all kids are so different! My son easily hits the recommended wake windows for their age group.

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