Breastfed - Colief

Hi all My 6week EBF baby is really struggling with wind. I have been using infacol which helps but not totally. Had his tongue-tie released on Friday and I’m trying to cut back on dairy to see if that helps. Lots of friends said to try Colief but struggling to as he is BF so trying to then express 3 tablespoon of milk and use a spoon when he wants feeding is causing even more tears and distress. Any tips ?
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I had the same situation. What worked for me personally was cutting diary completely, tummy massages and bicycles legs and taking her to a cranial osteopath. Can’t recommend it enough! I was told not to use infacol by the osteopath as it has a form of diary in it. That’s just what worked for me/my daughter. Really hope it clears up for you soon 🙏🏼

@Lucy thank you ! I went to a osteopath yesterday actually and have our first session with him tomorrow. I did a food shop last night and got diary free products so will try that today. Just anything to help. He woke up at 5:50 in so much distress. Manger to feed and get back down and woke an hour later because he had pooed haha

We use gripe water as infacol wasn’t really doing much. The gripe water helps massively and she seems much happier taking that than anything else. We use a calpol syringe and give it just before or just after a feed. Works really well for us so maybe worth a try ☺️

@Olivia oh I do have this already but never used it yet. So will give that a go instead of the infacol. I think infacol is causing my boys really water poo which in turn can help his belly x

@Lucy how long did it take to see a difference? Xx

I added the Colief to a bottle with some breast milk in. But I also found gripe water better - I just tip it in on a spoon (half a tea spoon) and she swallows. I don’t know if she has colic but the odd occasion she’s really restless and won’t lay it seems to work. I think the herbs in it just relax their tummies x

@Charlotte oh amazing. I’ve used it couple times today so we shall see. Been using a syringe as it says 5ml but not sure if that’s too much now haha

@Kate 🤞🏼🌈 I only used half the amount as didn’t know if I was just using out of desperation 😂 but as it’s natural I don’t think it can do any harm x

@Charlotte everything is out of desperation these days to make it easier 😂

@Olivia how often do you give gripe water ?

@Kate 🤞🏼🌈 when we first started we used it almost every feed. Now we use it 1/2 times a day, but can go days without needing it

@Kate 🤞🏼🌈 it took a few days/a week. Hope the osteopath helps you 🙏🏼🤞🏼 she’s worked wonders for us!

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