My baby is still not crawling, rolling or pulling up

We're approaching 11 months now, and he's just chilling 😅 Anyone else? Also, I received the paperwork 2 weeks ago for his 10-month review and got a message to book in his developmental review meeting, but the earliest slot they have is June! He will be 15 months by that point. Is anyone else having to wait 3 months past their 1st birthday for this review?
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Can he sit up by himself? Tbh they all do things and their own pace most health visitors don't worry about things like crawling/pulling up until about 12 months onwards - I'd definitely say the no rolling is surprising by 11 months however! Id contact your HV team directly and just let them know some of the milestones you'd expect haven't been achieved yet and you're keen to speak to a HV as soon as you can... They might push his review forward for you so that you can get some support :)

Could you see a physio? During our review my HV told me about physio drop in clinics that are free, you might have the same in your area.

My little girl is 11 months and not crawling or pulking herself up, we had the health visitor out last week for her 10-12 month check and she just said to try and encourage her to stand and let her play on the floor as much as possible to encourage the crawling, she can sit unaided and rolls around everywhere x

@Rhiannon yes he can sit up independently once i put him in that position. Yh I was thinking the rolling is more of a 'concern'. I have just spoke to the HV and she has booked him in for April now.

@Zyginta Devereux I will ask. I have just had confirmation after talking to the HV that they will move his 1 year review to April so he will be 1yr and 1 week

@Lauren he's always on the floor and he uses his walker and I stand him up along the sofa

Mines also very chill and will happily sit and barely move. HV wasn't worried at her review last week

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