Personally I'd avoid putting shoes on a baby unless they are walking already as it can hinder their development, balance and stabilisation. The NHS suggests you should avoid putting shoes on them for as long as possible. Are you able to try different brand so socks instead? I had to purchase 5 different kinds, and sized down to find some that securely fit and didn't slip off.
Thanks for the recommendations both. Know it's ideal to keep baby barefoot but wasn't aware the NHS recommends no shoes at all until walking (even soft sole). I've tried loads of different grippy sock brands to no avail but if there's one that's worked for you @Annem I'm all ears. To be fair he's still pretty clumsy barefoot so perhaps shoes wouldn't help that much at the mo anyway 😄
We used some grippy socks from Shein and just pull them over her leggings so they don’t slip down. She pulls them off anyways after a bit, same with shoes. For the areas that are hard flooring we also put a small throw on the floor just to keep it a bit warmer but also makes it a bit slippery for baby (it’s just small sections in our house so works)
@Sophie I know how much of a pain it is Sophie, my little girl for ages kept pulling her socks off - only in the last few weeks has she decided to keep them on... Much to our surprise!
I’m thinking the same but mainly as baby’s feet get cold with just socks. Was wondering if it was such a thing to put slippers on him. His first ‘shoes’ were padders when he started cruising and he got on well with them - you could give them a try? They added grip and were soft enough to use as slippers/indoor shoes ☺️