Screaming newborn

How do I stop my baby screaming when I change their nappy and get them dressed? It’s every single time and it’s beginning to drain me😭😭 I’ve tried laying something warm on the changing mat, singing to him, going slow and talking to him and nothing seems to work
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they don’t like it - there’s nothing you can do - making it as nice for him is the best you can do

What worked for us was having the hairdryer on 😅

I agree with Danielle. A lot of babies just don't like it. It's a little bit odd for them wearing clothes. My baby is 10 months now and still doesn't like it. I give her something to hold while I do her nappy now which makes it so much easier. Getting dressed is still a struggle and she gets quite upset, but once it's done, she is okay ❤️ x

Honestly, there is nothing you can really do to help. They don’t like it at that age, and then you’ll get to toddler stage and they’re the same again 🙃😂 it’s draining but definitely normal. I just rush as quick as I can to get them dressed/changed, so sorry no advice, just that almost everyone is in the same boat! 😬 x

I use a heating pad on low under a towel/blanket on the changing table.

Having the hairdryer on (as someone suggested above) also works for us. Not every time, but it does work sometimes.

We made it a game. We both sing and talk to them whilst changing. Sometimes I just say what we are doing like ‘top off next “. Also blow raspberries and just make it fun. I often change clothes on floor after. Nappies done as not as cold. We have issue of my 7 month old rolling the second you put her on her back , so it’s a wrestle!!

I would literally narrate everything I was doing while doing funny faces and overly dramatic pronouncements of the words. My daughter didn’t stop screaming when I changed her or put clothes on until she was about 5-6 months. Just imagine being inside the womb with everything you could possibly need and then your pushed or pulled out into the bright ass light, cold and strange noises and textures. Overstimulation at its highest. Maybe turn the lights down? Not much you can do giving no one speaks direct baby 😩 Imagine if we could 😅

We also do a lot of singing and talking through it to keep him focused on us, or having some black and white cards or his panda teddy nearby for him to stare at. Alternatively as others have said it’s just being quick and often with a cuddle between clothes if it’s a full change of outfit x

I think they just don’t like it. My baby was in the nicu and the nurses told me to cluster care. Meaning when he is starting to show signs of waking because it’s almost time for him to eat that’s when I pick him up, change diaper, clothes or do anything else that needs to be done and then feed, burp and back to sleep. I think it helps.

Nothing works you just have to ignore it and he will grow out of it x

Whenever I changed my girl for "sport" so to speak ,she would holler. She liked her diaper changed when she felt that it needed changing lol. Once i got on her timing , there were no more issues until the wrestling stage. Maybe hold out a little longer in between changes, stick to a routine changing( ours was nap, diaper, eat , repeat) so he kind of expects when it's going to happen. Tell him what you're doing while comforting him.

My baby is almost 8 months and still cries at every single nappy change, it's fine! It will be over and done with in a few minutes ❤️

Mine likes to look at a photo on the wall or mobile and that keeps him busy during diaper changes

They just don’t like it but will grow out of it eventually x

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