That’s shitty. Just because he’s the bread winner doesn’t mean he can’t help in HIS own home. If he was a single man without you guys, he would have to come home and clean, cook and do laundry for himself. So what’s the problem with you asking for a hand? From the person who is supposed to be on your team? Tell him since roles are so different then let’s switch. I go to work all day while you stay home and cook, clean and watch the kids. Without my help because I’m gonna be exhausted from work. Then watch him be surprised and be like hell no. Lmao. Men are so shitty..
I think this has to be the single most frustrating thing I see constantly on this app. Why don't these dads WANT to spend time with their kids?? Why have kids if you're just going to constantly avoid taking care of them?
You're a sahm whilst he's at work but once he's home the work is shared between you, you clock off when he gets home and then you do things together else when do you get off? I swear they think being a sahm is easy or something. Yesterday I was trying to clean the house but my toddler chose chaos that day so I only managed the lining room and hallway, my husband comes home said "wow the living room looks amazing, what would you like for tea I couldake the salmon thing you like" and that is how the provider should act when coming home, I was so stressed out I could of cried when he walked in. It's fucking hard work!
My husband got irritated today bc he kept getting handed the baby. He said ur always handing her to me. And I said yeah bc I have her all day, she hasn't seen you all day. He goes to work at like 5 a.m., so she doesn't see him from 8 pm until 5 pm the next day.