Also due to go back to work next week. My lo has been so close to walking for 2 months but still not quite. My first started walking at nursery and was hoping I'd see it this time, but looks like the same will happen again. Definitely feels a bit sad. I guess there'll be plenty more firsts (even though steps feels a big one), and plenty more time to see them grow and develop over the next few years. Plus getting a bit of our independence back at work will be nice too really, even though it may not feel like it now. Maybe your husband can get a little video?!
Aww, I get how you feel like this but how I would look at it is maybe she will be doing her first steps with family and not someone you don't know maybe? And they can record it straight away for you. My boy is with family throughout the week while I'm at work and that's how I'm looking at it. It's sad but it can't be helped can it 😞 chin up x
No advice but I felt the same way! 💕