@Christina I have the momcozy m5
You might need a stronger pump like a Spectra if you are exclusively pumping. With my first baby I tried exclusively pumping and I got a motif duo which is a smaller pump and my breasts hurt all the time because it wasn’t strong enough. I ended up buying a motif Luna which is close to a Spectra and it was 100% better after that. Mom cozy’s are nice because they are convenient but they aren’t has strong as the bigger breast pumps.
I kept getting the same when I dropped to 3 days. I would say use your normal pump (mines the same as yours), but I’d just do it for an extra 5 or 10 mins! Hope you’re ok!! X
I have the momcozy m9's and they empty me better than my spectra s2 does.. But I've used the spectra for 6 weeks before introducing the momcozys
What pump do you have?