Midwife appointments.

Does anyone else’s midwife appointments consistently get changed or get there and it’s a completely new midwife so have to do the whole history/concerns all over again. It’s so frustrating especially when my husband has been planning work around appointments when they have been booked in for weeks and it to be changed last minute. Is there anything i can do to request to have the same midwife and to keep my originally booked appointments?
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I hardly ever saw the same midwife twice. I think that's the reality of the NHS at the moment, unfortunately. However they should be able to look at your previous notes rather than take a full history again every time, so I would challenge them on that if they try to do that again. Is there a reason you particularly want your husband with you at the appointments? My partner only came to the scans, the other appointments were fairly dull and routine so there wouldn't really have been any point in him being there. Obviously it's still irritating to have the appointments changed at the last minute but less frustrating if work commitments haven't been planned around them. Are the midwives at the hospital or are they in the community? If they're at the hospital you could make a complaint via the patient liaison service, however I'm not sure how much difference that would make in reality.

Not sure where you are located but for me (Ontario Canada) I had 2 midwives that I worked with my entire pregnancy and then 2 different midwives for my birth.. I purposely booked appointments with the same 2 midwives and made it abundantly clear that my anxiety was really high about seeing different people so they worked with me to ensure the same 2 were always there and if something came up they reached out to reschedule something that worked for me. When I knew I was going to go into labour and neither of my midwives were going to be on call, my midwife talked me through what the other two ladies were about and that eased my fears going into. I would suggest just talking to them

That’s very standard for the UK sadly unless you fall into a continuity team, which are rare these days (I’m an NHS midwife). If you have a homebirth team in your trust you would get better continuity with them. You don’t have to have a homebirth, every birth starts at home unless elective C section or induction anyway!

I’m in the UK and haven’t seen the same midwife twice. Sometimes they move the appt by an hour but haven’t had them change days on me yet. But yeah your hubby might want to save the time off work for the scans and the 34 week appt where you discuss birth plan!

It’s very normal to not have the same midwife every time, unfortunately it’s just the standard so I think even if you asked you wouldn’t get it. Is there a reason you are both going to appointments? Mine were very uneventful and quick so it would have been silly for my husband to disrupt his work schedule for them. I appreciate them getting changed is very frustrating but there’s no need for it to affect both of you.

I don't think I saw the same midwife twice with my daughter. I also had a lot more with her than with this baby! Don't think they moved any that I can remember. They should have all your notes. My husband only came to the first one and then the others I went on my own. It was a waste of time for him to be there really. I just used to nip out of the office x

This must be geographical, I'm in the UK, North-west and have only had 2 midwives, and would have had the first one throughout if it wasn't for us sending me to a closer facility because it benefited me around transport. Since the I've had the same midwife every time and have been told she will be seeing me for every appointment unless she isn't in that day for whatever reason. I'd suggest having your partner there for the first appointment, your 26-28 week where they will do a heartbeat check (they're always nice for dad), and your 36 week appointment which will be your birth plan one. That might help to mitigate any issues with him and work. I know how work can be for expectant dads 🙄

Would it be possible to have a midwife come to you? May be more likely to get the same midwife that way, or at least have some kind of routine and less cancellations, and I suppose if cancelled then, you haven't gone out of your way. Make sure you take your maternity notes to every appointment too, my midwife always asks for mine.

In the UK it’s typical to see different midwives a lot unless you have a “named midwife” these are given to you if you have issues with drugs alcohol or you have a history with social services. So me personally I was brought up in foster care so I have a named midwife I see the same one every appointment

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