I never had signs and never leaked the whole time I breastfed and I always produced plenty of milk and breastfed my first until he was 1
Not everyone gets signs like you're describing. 50% of people don't produce any colostrum until after birth. It's the delivery of the placenta that releases the hormone prolactin which starts the body producing colostrum/ milk. Completely get that the uncertainty is hard but you really won't know until baby is here how it will go x
I never had any signs really and managed to BF my daughter for 20 months. We had a rough start as she couldn’t latch really (nothing to do with having milk) and after that she never left my boobs alone 😂 Also be prepared that first few days milk may come really slow , doesn’t mean you won’t have it, keep the baby on the boob as that will help milk come. But no pressure, i also gave my baby some formula at the beginning,first few days/weeks ,,and that didn’t cause any issues. I’m 36 weeks now and still not having any leaks or any signs milk is coming and planning to exclusively breastfeed. I also bought 2 ready made formulas and one bottle just in case this time.
Have you tried expressing colostrum? If you aren’t able to then it still doesn’t mean you’ll have problems breastfeeding, but if you can it might reassure you
The others have really good comments but I wanted to add in case you didn’t know there are breastfeeding consultants you can get. In my first pregnancy I hired one who came to support me post partum with latch and adapting to bf as a first time mum. She set me up for a wonderful bf journey exclusively feeding (no pumping) until 6 months and then alongside food until he was 2.5! It cost £95 and was hugely worth it for what I saved in formula and the benefits to my son. Might help you if you’re worried about it.
Been feeling exactly the same. But spoke to my midwife today and she said that once you give birth it can be a whole different story, you hormones will enable you to produce as much BM
With my little boy I couldn't harvest any colostrum before he was born, I tried every day for weeks and nothing. I successfully breastfed up until he was 1 year old, then I stopped because I was pregnant again, I would have carried on otherwise!!