@Maddie I was SO hungry (a vending machine would go down a storm in there) and gasping for a drink (water cooler has been out of order since my last pregnancy!!) and that amount of time. Was making me so mad!! Finally got out of there after 3 hours 🙈
i’ve not seen a consultant yet, but I have my GDD test mid march, and i said to my partner if i’m not seen within 30 mins i’m going and getting food and they can do it another day😂
Depends also what department of the hospital it’s in. The women’s unit where I went for GTT and another monitoring was horrendous waits but the Maternity Assessment Unit I was seen in under 20mins both times I’ve been there. Luckily my consultant appointments have always been on time as they’ve followed straight after scans.
I waited 2 and a half hours, absolutely starving the whole time because it was first thing in the morning, didn’t want to risk going to get something to eat in case I got called in, so just sat there. Had literally a 10 minute conversation with the consultant, and she basically said I was low risk and wouldn’t need to be seen by her again. It felt like such a waste of time! (I had ivf, so you automatically get classed as higher risk, so have to see a consultant). She didn’t really answer any of my questions, just basically told me to ask at my next midwife appointment….🙄 x
The longest I’ve been in is 4 hours (up in chesterfield so not too far from you). I don’t think I’ve had an appointment there that’s been under 2 and a half hours though. When I go to the midwife appointments at the local small hospital/health unit there’s never been a problem though
I have to say some hospitals are worst than others I’ve been under three during this pregnancy (don’t ask) and it’s a real mix of how long you wait once I waited nearly four hours after two I started to ask question and they just said I was in line and one of the midwife was like something not right after me asking for 2/3 time and the scanner had forgotten to send over my scan 🤦🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️ the place I’m currently at are great in and out but it’s pure consultant led n under fmu so not sure if that makes a difference but you aren’t wrong sometime the wait is bad