Any tongue tie success stories?

My little boy is due to have his posterior TT cut on Saturday and I’m praying it improves feeding. Has anyone got any positive experiences or stories of tongue tie cuts?
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My sons was cut today as is already feeding better!

My little boys was cut two weeks ago and made such a difference to feeding! Shows it off all the time now too!

How can you tell they have tongue tie? X

My boy had his cut last Tuesday and was weighed today. Gained 450g in a week!! Finally gaining ☺️ It’s improved his feeding on the breast and bottle, improved his suction on his dummy and he’s stopped crying so much. He can even stick his tongue out now!

My 6 week old has his done Friday and today I can notice a difference with his wind. Definitely a lot better.

@Sophie The midwives/GP etc aren’t trained in diagnosing tongue-tie so see if a local breast feeding clinic has a lactation consultant who might be able to check for you. Failing that if your think something isn’t right then get a private consultation. I was told my boy was fine but turns out he actually was really tongue-tie xx

@Sophie mine was picked up in hospital but I’ve gone privately to get it cut as it’s affecting his latch x

Same incog. I got it spotted by the infant feeding team and the hospital but the wait list was 6-8 weeks so I paid private and got it done the next day. 100% worth it as he’s feeding amazing now xx

Both my babies had it. My son (oldest) feeding improved immediately and he gained weight fast. My daughter more recently it was more discreet and having less impact so the benefits have been less obvious but still noticeable I.e less pain when feeding and she’s feeding less frequently as she’s not always trying to maintain my supply :) defo recommend getting it done

I’d definitely recommend getting it done. My little boy had an anterior tongue tie and had it snipped, my daughter had a posterior tongue tie and had hers cut last Thursday. I wouldn’t say I noticed an immediate benefit, but after a couple of weeks the breastfeeding improved with my son so much I ended up EBF for a year. I’ve recently discovered that I have a tongue tie too, and it causes me a lot of tension in my jaw and neck. If I get it cut as an adult I’ll have to have speech therapy to relearn to use my tongue properly. So I wish I’d had it cut as a baby.

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