@Kate 🤞🏼🌈 Just over three weeks old
My newborn for the first few days was like this. I saw a breastfeeding/lactation consultant and they helped massively with my latch. Maybe you could see if similar support is available in your area? Xx
@Zaq I've been to breastfeeding groups, went to a specialist clinic yesterday and have sought advice from the breastfeeding helpline. Every time I go to them, I'm told I'm doing everything right and doing a good job, etc.. I don't know what else to do. 😅
If you believe your latch is correct, baby isn’t suffering from wind etc the. Honestly I would go get him checked for tongue -tie if you haven’t already. I had this with my baby and kept being told the same thing and he would latch on but not got long and suffers with bad wind. Turns out he was tongue-tie. We’re not learning to latch fully again but I’ve started to notice a difference the last two days. X
Thank you - That will be my next step. I worried about that being the case! x
Once mine latched he didn’t unlatch and would fall asleep😭
Did your latch after birth fine? Mine didn’t. I had to work for ages just to get him to even want to nurse! It took a while but he got use to it. He did however have an awful latch!
My daughters 4 weeks she will latch first for like 2 mins then come off switch boobs and stay latched until falls asleep x
I had to pump because of this 😟 she was getting frustrated because shes greedy and wants a faster flow and was use to the bottles flow as my milk didn't come in until day 4, shes 10 days old and has 4oz per sitting 🙈
@Shay I didn't feed straight after birth, unfortunately.
@Lynds omg, yes! I have a similar issue but I can't pump that much that often. 😭
I pump twice a day so she gets breast milk at night and early afternoon and the rest of the feeds are formula but im ok with that because at least shes getting those important nutrients from me 😄
@Lynds have you found your supply has maintained well just pumping twice?
If my boy is being fussy (he is 2 and a bit weeks and feel your pain) as in he is just about to bite down but stops or moves his head away is that you can help stimulate his suck reflex. Put your little finger in his mouth slightly and touch the top of his mouth and wait for him to suck hard. Mine latches way better after that. Ids like they forget what they are meant to do and you remind them 🙂
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What did you do straight after birth? I spent 2 days in hospital after he was born for various reasons and I had the midwives in numerous times with me really stressing because he just wouldn’t latch! One nurse taught me to just force it in and hold his head and I found one boob had a much slower flow than the other and he didn’t have the patience for that so screamed and screamed on that boob but was fine with the other. I had to fight to get him to feed on the other just to increase the flow and over the weeks he picked and chooses a preference and at some point he did refuse both (most likely another flow issue) but I persevered and he never lost weight. Is your one loosing weight? @Alice nobody gave me this advice almost 2 yrs ago!😐😭🤦🏽♀️
Is baby putting on weight? And if you are worried then go back to the bf consultant? Where i live theres also a weekly bf group too
Hey honey. How old is your little one ?