Thank you I’m just thinking about the fact they want to induce at 37/38 weeks because of things like preeclampsia and that’s not something I would want to do can I refuse an induction? But at the same time would it be dangerous for the baby and me providing I didn’t have preeclampsia??
I think they want to take action on maybes - but that doesn’t mean you have to. If you don’t have pre eclampsia then you don’t have it Only can you make the choice to induce because of something you have at the time Hypertension doesn’t mean you will get pre eclampsia I think you get to trust your body and even have extra monitoring For example my blood pressure has been out of wack for 6/7 weeks now and I’m having twice weekly monitoring and I’m due my c section ( for other reasons ) at 39 weeks and they don’t see a reason to do it before hand right now x
Thanks for your advice wish you all the best with your c section xx
No advice medically but You can birth outside of guidance. I know it’s not the norm but you don’t HAVE to do any intervention you can trust how you are feeling For example should you FEEL like you want intervention because you FEEL it’s best then you can opt for it But if you FEEL good and don’t want to take that intervention you simply say no