
Those who got their babies vaccinated. Do you get them all or excluded some?
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Show your support Has some info on aluminium Every day 10,000 children's lives are saved because they were vaccinated

@Nuri My pediatrician told me told that if we refuse a vaccine we’d have to find another office cause they stand behind the need for vaccines. And when I looked it up a lot of offices do that.

All of them. COVID and flu. No exclusions for any of us.

All of them. They save lives.

They’ve gotten all of them except covid.

U can ask to spread them apart.. what I did that helps is I got a numbing cream 30min before her visit put in on her legs.. then wipe clean.. saves her the pain On her last shots 4 month shoots now her six month I plan on doing the same..

@Kris What kind did you use?

I spread the vaccines out over a couple weeks for their first round of vaccines because I was worried about reactions but both children were fine and have had no side effects with any of the vaccines

@Lys ❤️‍🔥 that’s crazy…you have a right to refuse

@Yasmina Aluminium or aluminium salts? Adjuvants are added so the immune response lasts longer, so we don't need as many boosters etc 😊 Which issues have happened to babies you personally know?

When elements form compounds the properties are very different from the individual elements. Before we discuss that more, I'm really curious how many babies you actually know who have had issues? I know none at all

@Yasmina forgot to tag you in the above

@Yasmina do you know any babies that have had issues? Just curious either way then let's keep discussing the rest 😊

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