@Sophie yes, breastfeeding exclusively.
I had this struggle when my daughter was younger, I used to be so embarrassed when she just used to cry when I held her, I thought I was a bad mum because I couldn't comfort her and it really impacted me mentally. I too struggled to make that connection I came to realise that this is pretty usual for breastfed babies and I *was* just a food source as far as she was concerned and this knowledge brought comfort that I wasn't doing anything wrong, I was essentially just doing my job Now that she is older she is literally my little bestie, she wants me for comfort, play and of course still her food and we have a great bond
My lg was like this with me for a few days. It turned out i had blocked ducts (a lot of them) in both breasts and she was getting frustrated that she couldn’t get it out quick enough. It didn’t hurt so i didn’t think it could be that, that was the problem. They were very hard though x
This can be very normal - I attributed it to its very frustrating for baby to be near the breast without having the breast. It will get better! She loves you, she just doesn’t know how to show it right now
Up until 6 months (some sources say a bit earlier) babies do not realise that they are a separate person to you. So if you are breastfeeding they only see you as food source and as someone commented above, they find it hard to be near the boob but not have it. They also don't understand you are a different person. They think you and them are one. And I think that's so cute. A lot of people take longer to feel that connection but we are made believe this is instant and magical and then people worry wheb this is not the case. Saying that if this is impacting you mentally or you need any support make sure you reach out. Nothing wrong with speaking support if you are concerned.
I wrote a post weeks ago about something similar. I thought my baby didn't like me! It's normal and will change
Are you breastfeeding by any chance?