@Aunisti he’s exclusively breastfed! He eats plenty and I actually have a bit of an oversupply so we’re not worried about it. He’s just little!
My baby is going on 7 weeks and weighs 6 Ibs. I see the chunky babies too and it’s so adorable but I wouldn’t feel any type of way that your baby isn’t there yet because he will get there eventually!! My baby still doesn’t completely fit in the preemie outfits or the diapers 😭but personally, I think that it’s the cutest thing and I’ve been able to capture a lot of great pictures:). I know that your baby is small now and it may be starting to get to you, but enjoy it while it’s here! because trust: they don’t stay tiny forever 🩵
You’re doing great mama! If the pediatrician is telling you that he is growing right on track than I wouldn’t stress yourself out. I agree with @Aunisti too though! I know that staying consistent with the feeding can be a bit of a challenge. Just keep trying 💪
It sounds like you’re doing good if he’s healthy! My baby is 15 lbs at 3.5 months but he is long so definitely doesn’t look chunky like other babies.
Sounds like he is right on track for his age and birth weight. My baby was born at 38 weeks and weighed 7 lbs. he’s now 4 months old and weighs 15lbs exact and doc says he is doing great. He’s also a slim baby but I think he’s a bit tall/long. As another mom said, as long as the paediatrician isn’t worried, don’t stress. Chunky babies are adorable but I am sure your little guy is too! 🫶
Mine had some concerns about weight early on as she dropped a percentile on her second visit, but then she started climbing again and has been going up steadily since in weight. Height is now around the 86th percentile. She's just a long and skinny baby. I knew a 9 month old who was the same weight as her at 5 months. She was certainly never "chunky." Some babies really are just smaller. If it helps any, my mom had to spend a year with the pediatrician when my brother was a baby because he wasn't gaining according to his curve and kept dropping percentiles. He's now over 200lbs as an adult, 6'4", and built like a brick house. Percentiles don't apply equally to every baby; if he seems content and is eating well he's probably just fine!
my baby is 3 months and is 9 lbs. she was a preemie but small babies are okay! as long as they are fed and the pediatrician says they are all good! we had to do weight checks for a bit but she graduated from those at her 2 month appointment! she was 6lbs 10oz at her 2 month. (she was born 11/3)
I too had this issue and my doc didn’t seem too worried about it. This time around for my baby I’m feeding on demand. Last time I was worried about how much and how often but I found that she’d get over fed and spit up most of what she had. I have found feeding on demand and stopping when I see she’s full has been healthy for us. She’s super low percentile but I’m hoping she will catch up. She turned 3 months this week and in 6 percentile. I think go off of your baby and their cues. If they have open palms, seem relaxed and happy after eating they are doing good! My first daughter was never a chunky baby but she’s super tall for her age (she’s 2.5 years old wearing 5T.) I’m thinking I just have more slim babies. This second daughter of mine is more petite at this point but maybe she will change. Babies are constantly changing and FAST!
Your baby sounds exactly like my 2nd. She was 8lb at birth, but quickly went down in percentile. She was ebf and was breastfed for 15 months. She will be 3, a month from today, and she's just long and thin. She only weighs about 26.5 lbs, but is over 38 inches tall. She has hit every milestone early and is thriving. My husband and I were both thin kids. You and baby are doing great... It's more important for a baby to stay on the curve they're on than how much they weigh or the percentile.
My girl is 15 weeks and at her 2 month appointment she was almost 12 pounds so she is pretty small too! 8 pounds 2 oz at birth. As long as your baby is on their curve, that is what matters! My son was the same way!
I think he should be eating 5-6 ounces of formula within a 4 to 5 hour range. If he cluster feeds I know it can be harder just keep trying