Sounds similar to us, the last week or so my 14 week old has gone from 6-7 oz to 3-4oz. Still has plenty of wet and dirty nappies and seems happy enough so not too concerned at the moment. If you think it’s reflux maybe you could change the milk to see if it helps? Most milks have an anti-reflux version. Might help your little one settle.
I heard that when they're teething a lot of weird associated symptoms may occur. As you wrote screaming in pain I had this with mine recently and he's teething as well. Also spitting etc. Of course it is always worth to check with a specialist. When screaming in pain try Calpol otherwise I recommend teething granules as well as a teether.
Kendamil caused so many issues with my little girl! She was vomiting every feed, like a lot. Would deffo try changing formula, I’m on Cow and Gate Comfort Reflux and Constipation relief now and it was an instant difference. The formula is slightly thicker, which means it’s easier to keep in their tummy after being fed. Do you find Kendamil doesn’t mix very well?
@Heidi oh no! Will give it a try! Tbh since being at the hospital they’ve asked me to cut down his feed to 3-4oz every 3 hours and he’s been a lot better. I do find Kendamil is hard to mix tho, swirling never does the job😩 It used to cause lumps so now I shake and add infacol to get rid of the bubbles
Honestly the Kendamil formula used to never mix for me, tried a spoon, swirl, rapid shake but it would still be all bitty at the end and she would vomit all the bits back up. Was crazy to see how the Comfort milk mixed so well and so easily without any bubbles, which makes sense as to why it’s settled in her tummy easier!
This has been happening with my LO for the past week, my parents suggested changing the temp of her milk and it has made a huge difference, she was on room temp now has it lukewarm. We also use the vari flow teats sometimes as they’re easier and quicker for her to feed from when she’s being extra fussy! She’s throwing up much less now and has settled a good bit. For us I don’t think it was reflux, apparently this is just a big leap for babies at around 3-4 months so they can be fussier and their preferences can change a lot! We put the crying at night time down to hunger as she usually sleeps through 8-10 hours every night but obviously wasn’t eating as much during the day so couldn’t sleep as well as she usually does. Hope you’re LO is okay, we never thought about going to hospital but I know it can be so hard to know what to do when these things start happening!