Harris birthright- Denmark hill

Did anyone had the 12 week scan at the Harris birthright? How was it? How was the combined test? I heard that you get the results while you are there, same day.
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I did! It’s a lovely building and I got all of the results the same day. I just had to wait after my scan for 20 or so minutes. I will say that because it’s a teaching hospital you will have a student in the room and I found they spoke amongst each other quite a lot whilst doing the scan and it made me quite anxious. Everything was fine but because they’re being taught at the sane time it makes you feel like something is wrong (even though it was all fine). I’ve seen a few other people complain about this too. But when I had my next scan after that the teacher kept telling me it was fine and he was just showing the student what to do and look for. So I guess it just depends who you get. But just so you’re aware!

honestly didn’t even really notice the student was there in mine and each thing they measured/checked through all I could hear her saying all normal so felt reassured. Agree lovely building!! I only had to wait for about 5 mins after for the test results. If you had to leave it all goes on my chart anyway just means to couldnt discuss the results.

Best place and I count myself lucky they offer extra tests. They found I had a short cervix and was prescribed the pessaries the same day. They checked liver, eyes and other bits too which was above and beyond. After birth all the same optional checks and because I had GD they put a monitor on me to make sure I didn't have diabetes after, they also told me from that, that I may have type 2 diabetes when I'm in my 50s/60s so gave me a chance to prevent that.

What I would say is to ask to take pictures and they will save the best scans for you to take pics of. They don't do printouts.

@Emma for the combined screening tests? Really? Oh that is good. My scan is tomorrow and I am anxious 😬

I filmed throughout just by having the phone at my chest (I didn’t ask) and got lots of lovely photos. They explain everything as they go it was lovely! They let you take photos from the screen at the end (no printed photos) but the secret videos I took were much better 😅

Yes because all blood pressure and tests are done before the scan it then wasn’t much of a wait at all after the scan had finished. No print outs which I thought was a bit rubbish - I would have been happy to pay for them! I asked to film and they said not during the scan but can film at the end when they are done doing their actual checks and just doing. It to show you the heartbeat etc and take photo after.

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