Is your LO walking yet?

LB is 14 months and isn’t showing any signs of walking independently. He does want to walk when we are helping him but no signs of standing or walking independently
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Every baby is different, my girl started at 11 months old. I've heard boys are a lot slower.

My LG can stand for a long while without grabbing anything but isn’t walking yet. She will only take a few side to side steps if she’s holding onto something then will get to the floor and crawl xx

Every baby is different mine was at 9.5 months and my nephew just started at 12 months (first steps)

4 days ago I'd have said the exact same thing, then suddenly one day my LB just decided try it 🙃 lots of falls now

Each progress at their own stage, it’s hard not to compare he will be off soon enough and you’ll be wishing he was still again, my daughter walked at 10 months I’ve not sat down since 😂 my friend has a little girl the same age she’s not interested in walking yet and that’s okay ❤️❤️

Yes he started last week at 13 months- he stood for ages before he gained the courage

My baby started walking yesterday. Was independently standing for a couple of weeks and would use furniture to walk everywhere and then yesterday just up and decided to take a few steps!

My LO is veryyyyy temperamental with it 😂😂 she CAN walk however she’ll sometimes just stand there smiling at me encouraging her then just get down and crawl 🙂😂😂 I saw my friend who asked and I said ‘she can but doesn’t really’ and at the end of meeting she said ‘I’d definitely say she is walking’ People say once they know how to they’re off! And that’s just not been the case for my LO. Waiting for her to do it more before getting her her first pair shoes 🥹 I wouldn’t stress. Whenever people would ask me I’d always just say ‘no not yet but I’m not worried, I just don’t think she’s interested’ which still seems to be the case now!! 🤣

Every bbay is diff don’t force them they walk when they r ready mine took first steps in Nov then started walking in 1.5 months my niece baby 14 months not even standing yet just crawling so don’t worry they do when they ready

My little one only started independent walking 2 weeks ago and it seemed to happen out of no where! Don’t worry it will happen :)

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