Postpartum Anxiety

I just wanted to ask if anyone is suffering with postpartum anxiety and anything that helped them I’m finding everyday I’m feeling more and more anxious and constantly worrying
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I spoke to my health visitor who could put in place a referral for a mental health visitor too, I did get put on medication which I do think has helped but I was also on it pre pregnancy, if you've got family close by utilising them so you can go and rest for a few hours or do whatever you need to do also really helps to know they're in good hands whilst you rest, lack of sleep really made my anxiety worse so getting help where you can even for a nap if you need it, also a cliche one but just being outside in nature and taking in your surroundings and just breathing and looking around did sometimes make me feel better, not completely but in that moment it helped a bit sometimes I promise you're not alone it is so common, if you want to talk to anyone feel free to message me, but talking definitely helps, to anybody xx

I agree speak with your HV & your GP you will be fast tracked (depending on how old your baby is) to get some CBT therapy or counselling and your GP can help also ❤️

I got PTSD and doctors work with vitaminds. I contacted vitaminds and I got fast tracked because of baby too. I got CBT therapy via video chat too x

Hope you get the help you need ❤️

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