
Now on day 4 of no poop. He’s farted tons but no luck getting a poo out no matter how much he tries. He’s 8 weeks today I’ve tried infacol which stopped him screaming but not helped the pooing. Should I just give him a drop of laxative?
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I’d stop offering anything and just keep it simple- warm bath and maybe offer a bit of cool boiled water. It’s not a concern for baby not to go after 4 days. After 1 week that’s when you would be worried. The fact baby is breaking wind means baby could be close to going.

Massage, warm bath, a probiotic (if you are breastfeeding you can get ones you can mix with breastmilk). Its quite normal for little babies to not poo for a few days, sometimes when they are going through a growth spurt. We had this a lot! If it gets to a week, call the GP. We took her and she pooed on her way in the car 😅

From 6 weeks my baby stopped pooping everyday she went as long as 7 days without pooing the GP around us said not to worry and contact if it’s passed 10 days that same day she pooped typical! As long as their tummy feels ok so not hard and they don’t seem to be in discomfort they probably just don’t want to poo everyday and just do one big poop every few days

I had this with my little girl when she was 8 weeks.. she went 10 days without popping! Went to the GP after 5 days as that’s what the NHS website says and the GP we saw said it’s normal for breastfed babies to not poop for 14 days, and bottle fed babies for 10. We just gave her a bath everyday and rubbed her tummy. Now she poops multiple times a day 😂 babies are funny little things x

If my baby hasn't gone after 3 days, I give him some gripe water. It helps straight away

My baby girl is having the same issue at the moment, she is 3 weeks old. No issue with getting gas up and out but for the past 2 weeks she's been pooing maybe once every 2-3 days and she's so uncomfortable bless her. I mentioned it to my health visitor and she said you can offer very small sips of cooled boiled water but not too much as they can fill up on water and then not take their milk. I tried this with my girl and within a couple of hours she had a bowel movement. I have only given her it once as it does scare me with her being so little.

I stopped infacol as it was causing my daughters constipation, gave warm boiled water between feeds, sat and massaged her belly and wiggled her legs around and she was back to normal the next day after stopping the infacol, I use dentinox instead now x

My girl was like this until she started food. Warm baths were her best friend x

I give my LO Colief for a few feeds, and it really helped! X

We were told by our midwife that the instant formula bottles you can get (the ready made ones for travelling) also work as a laxative

@Chloe is dentinox okay for 8 week olds?

Yeah should be it’s from birth my girl is 4 weeks and has it x

@Dianne sorry I have to disagree with you if you have a little boy constipation is more serious matter and you should take them to gp as soon as possible doc should prescribe a laxative that is safe for baby to use.

@Grace what is the difference in constipation with boys to girls - first I’m hearing about it differing between the two?

Try warm bath, cycling their legs, rubbing gently around their belly button

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@Dianne with boys constipation is more dangerous it stretches the area that holds the poo and can lead to other complications such as leading to incontinance where it just leaks out. that part I was told by multiple people. When my son first had constipation when it’s severe it causes anal fissure and can cause them to retain poo cause they are scared of the pain and it can be painful which then causes further issues like the belly swelling, stomach pain, lack of eating cause their bowels are not empty. Signs of uncomfortableness are highly noticeable not wanting to lay down refusing to sit or be on stomach like nothing is comfortable for them when they cry it sounds more like scream of pain. And constant kicking of legs and arching of the back after this stage isn’t ver pleasant so I won’t mention it. and luckily my son didn’t reach that far but the discomfort levels of severe constipation is very distressful for mothers and babies n I don’t want others to experience wat I did

And in my case the health visitor and my gp let us down as they felt he hadn’t been constipated Long enough of that it was serious enough and that it would pass and my son was constipated for like 2-3 weeks so imagine the pain he was in and how scared he was to poo warm baths weren’t working tummy massages nor exercising his legs… I had to take it upon myself to do the cotton bud and oil method (not pleasant or for the week hearted by the way) and he was still scared to poo after before they gave us laxative that was suitable for his age

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