My girl went off food after her injections x
Mines up and down all the time. Same milk. Just does what he wants xx
@georgia just out of curiosity how long was yours like this before the tooth popped through? And at which month? Ta :)
My little girl does exactly this too! Although I find it is sometimes when she needs a poo? x
It was about a week of really rubbish feeds so normal would be 200ml and he was sometimes only taking like 70 which is less than he was having at 2 weeks old. He’s just 4 months and noticed the tooth on Saturday and feeds went back to normal Monday
@Ellie for how long after jabs? x
Could be teething.. I spoke to the HV today and she said at around 4 months they start to want to go longer between feeds so that may be playing a part as well
My LO is almost 20 weeks. His intake of milk also reduced since he was around 16weeks. Is it some sort of phase? Or teething? His cheeks stays flushed. No fever. Happy n healthy in himself apart from his feed which he now drinks about 850ml a day. Is it enough?
@Tenzin yes I reckon that is enough! My little one is exactly the same at the moment. She also appears to be teething flushed cheek and eating her hands and wincing. It’s really odd as she gets to about 2oz left to go of her bottle (out of either 6 or 7) then arches back and turns away from the milk like she doesn’t want it - but will take the rest from sitting in her bouncer 🤷♀️ 😩😅 that’s my way of getting in her full feed at the moment - just takes more time per feed. X
@Lisa next day x
Would there be any reason for her finding the teat she’s in now too fast… she’s been in it for months and months and I tried her on a slow flow and she kept sucking… had the same amount as milk as the normal teat but she hardly got any milk out of it? But when I gave her the medium teat back she was turning away from it!?
Did you experiment with this in the same sitting? May be she would have had the same amount with both teats, and once she had what she wanted with the slow flow, she was then just genuinely full. It sounds to me she's taking the same amount despite the flow of the teat? Try each teat during separate feeds and see if there's any difference. If that's what you've already done then I've no idea sorry x
Yeah I’ve tried at different bottles the slow flow took us over 45mins nearly and hour to finish what she wanted (she had 90ml) and the medium teat was about 20 (90ml again). She dribbles on the medium teats more than the slow flow but this is because she had a tongue tie so we are still re training the muscles, this was snipped at 3weeks old! (This could also be a factor) She’s now had her jabs yesterday so it has slowed her feeding down again 🙃 she is chomping and pulling at her teether so I am going to put it down to this for now! But if no better by Monday then I will be seeking GP advice!
Mine did the same thing and I can now feel a little tooth coming through and he’s feeding normally again