My baby had sore legs right after the injection and some fever. I made sure to swaddle her so she couldn’t move her legs, gave her Tylenol and let her sleep on me so she could latch and get milk on demand. I read somewhere that latching for them is comforting so I had her on my breast for as long as she wanted ( I had sore nipples after). After day 2 she was back to her normal self
8 week immunisations my baby coped well. It was the 12 week one where he was more irritable.
. My little girl was so brave it was crazy, literally needle went in she had her cry and a second later nothing, but later she was chewy all evening bless her, gave her a few doses of Calpol as the evening went on, but when we went to bed it totally wiped her out she slept all night and even most the following day 🥹. Honestly just give baby a huge cuddle when the injections has been given, you got this Mama 🥰🥰
I gave my little boy calpol as soon as we got home. He screamed and turned either red or purple and cried during the injections and then after a cuddle he was fine. He had different poos and he was a bit tired the day he had them but apart from that he was fine
My boy was fine at all his injections. We gave him Calpol immediately after and I held him as he got them done. The first jab was a small cry and he cheered up, the second jab he cried for a little longer but cheered up overall. It’s sad to hear them cry but give them Calpol as recommended, lots of cuddles and they’ll be fine!
We gave my son calpol an hour before as per the GP’s advice. He cried during the jabs but settled really quickly. We then gave him two more doses 4 hours apart. He was unsettled in the evening with a bit of crying but calpol settled him along with lots of cuddles and contact naps. I’m sure he’ll be absolutely fine ❤️ my son was super sleepy the next day but he was back to normal!