Totally normal and this time is the best! The second trimester is where you can really start to enjoy pregnancy, thrive and soon enough you’ll feel movements that will give you reassurance!
My midwife said she won’t use the Doppler at my 16 weeks scan because baby is too small so they wont be able to hear the baby I’ve had 0 symptoms throughout my pregnancy, everyone is different symptoms doesn’t determine wether the pregnancy is going well or not some people are just lucky, you should enjoy it x
I’ve had my 16 week appt today and they just took blood pressure, listened to my heart beat. Took a urine sample, just asked how I was doing and that was it x
In the same boat at 15+5 and feeling pretty normal after a horrendous experience of morning sickness from week 5-13. I think it’s totally normal to worry as this is such a precious thing and there’s so many horror stories out there that can make it very scary. I’ve booked a private scan this weekend for some reassurance between 12 and 20 week scans - maybe see if you could too? I also have friends who couldn’t get a heartbeat at one of the midwife appointments based on placenta position, which can also be quite scary I imagine but they ended up being absolutely fine. As cliche as it sounds, we just have to try and not worry and also enjoy this “normal” period before a little baby starts kicking our bladders and ribs when we are trying to sleep 😂