I’m 33 weeks on Friday and I’m honestly starting to struggle! Cramps in the night, insomnia, tiredness and awful heartburn! 😫 at least we haven’t got long to go now
@Lucy you poor thing! Defo dealing with insomnia. Can’t wait to sleep through the night again 😴😴 you’re right. We’re on the home straight!
@Dominika thank you 🥰
I’m 33 weeks and I can say I’ll do loads the night before I do 2 things and I’m shattered the rest of the day not ideal when we are moving and my partner works 12 hours 🤣
@Samantha I’m like that with work and life atm. It’s haaard work!
I am feeling all of these comments!!!
@Ashley eesh! It’s real.
My braxton hicks just feel like my belly has gone really tight. Lasts around 30 seconds and then goes away