I know it’s normal I don’t mean for them to sleep through if that’s what it sounded like I meant for her to just actually sleep, she will only sleep if my boob is in her mouth she uses it as a dummy but never actually taken a dummy, as soon as I unlatch her she’s wide awake it’s 100% comfort for her she doesn’t even really feed all that much just suckles, I don’t mind waking up to feed my baby obviously but she generally feeds and goes back down to sleep where as my eldest doesn’t get off the boob but I can’t take that away from unless I stop feeding them both because I wouldn’t be able to explain that it’s gone without it actually being gone and not feeding her sister if that’s makes any sense at all
Yeah i get you. My eldest used to wanna be latched all night long and would wake hourly 😴 It’s hard!!
Whenever you want to. I’ve continued and my boys are 2.5 and 4.5 now and still feed maybe once or twice a week for comfort for like 10 seconds but that’s it. I left them to do it on their own and they naturally weaned down. Both my boys don’t have a set sleep routine though even when they stopped feeding through the night. It could help, but not necessarily. It’s normal for toddlers to wake through the night x