@Naomi okay thankyou I just worry so much and it carnt be helped 🙃 and I have no formal letters to support her needs as we are at start of are journey ❤️
You will need to be prepared to go to tribunal regardless. They refused my preverbal child an ehcp and my son with autism who has very challenging behaviour. Sendiass can be useful and ipsea. Personally I wouldn’t bother with mediation.
@Karen what grounds was their refusal? I need to start the EHCP process before he starts school. I know that nursery are amazing with meet his needs and supporting him but I’m petrified of him going to school.
@Emma that they wanted to see how my son did with the strategies in place first. We then got a notice in lieu as he didn’t meet the levels needed. He did however have his own 1-1 paid for by the school throughout reception. My daughter they didn’t consider her to have special educational needs despite being preverbal and no one understanding her. LA conceded all three times. We also won a separate appeal for an sen school place for my son.
Poor attendance won't be held against you in terms of an ehc as it can indicate issues which means it's difficult for her to attend. This in turn helps to highlight that their are SEN needs