Never on the lips for my youngest but they do kiss her head now! My little boy associates kissing with the lips so he does lip kisses, depends how you grew up I guess!x
I’ve never stopped family or friends kissing my baby on his head. I don’t have a problem with it
Just for some context I’m not close with her at all and neither is my boyfriend! She was 5 kids in her house and they always seem to be poorly IE when he was a new born they had whooping cough and still wanted to come round. In my eyes they are just germy people😂
We’ll go with your gut if you’re not close to this person I don’t really understand why this is even a topic. Why would you have someone you and your partner aren’t close to around your baby in the first place for kissing to be possible. But if for whatever reason she is around you and your baby just ask her not to kiss. It doesn’t really matter what other people do it’s your baby and you set the rules for them
My boy is 4 months and we haven’t allowed it yet, only just started kissing his face ourselves nevermind other people, I think in time I’ll allow cheek but not lips. I allow head kisses now (not forehead tho like actual head🤣)
My boys 4months and mil hasn’t even held him yet let alone kiss him x
Just depends on you and your personal relationships, were you ever kissed my parents and grandparents as a child why would you never want this to happen. Do you hate her or has she had a history of being inappropriate? For me this sounds like every normal grandmother I’ve ever known so nothing strange but then I don’t know your situation. In my experience as long as the person isn’t sick and the baby is strong and healthy I can’t imagine not letting my mil kiss my babies we’re close and speak almost daily in fact I would find it weird if she didn’t want to show them affection.