@Katie I noticed she goes to one corner of the room to like squat and I don’t know if it’s a good or a bad idea to put the potty there and then like make its way back into the bathroom
I did the naked method too… stayed on the first floor for accident reasons had a potty book… had both floor potty and potty seat for toilet… did a star chart and bought a potty tracker that he could monitor his actions… if you can redirect when she goes to corner
Incognito no bad sign she may not like the toy potty what we did was stayed in one room close to bathroom. I watched her ques we did no TV n no phone! I only played games, painting, color, read anything to distract an stay in one room if she goes in corner redirect her into using the potty mine didn't like the play potty she kept throwing it an breaking it so we just used the real potty if she didn't make it that was what the towel was for to protect the carpet. If u have carpet I recommend towel an have baking soda and vinegar on hand for smell an stain an vacuum after 15min or do the boil water hack
U can also buy underwear with the padding so it don't leak an get ur to feel the uncomfortable feeling of wet undies instead of diapers/pullups. But I keep pullups for night time tho or wake up every few hrs to use potty with her if she not dry yet an limit fluids before bed to help
Real talk ladies, I appreciate all the advice. I’m trying to figure out how to accommodate all this advice. I share one room with LO and we have all the nursery stuff plus all of my stuff in one room which is pretty crowded. And the bathroom too. Thanks everyone!
So what really worked for me is if u r ready start naked method an stay in 1 room an lay towel down for accidents. it may take up to 3days an just watch her querks of when she goes potty an grab rewards whatever she likes stickers, suckers m&m anything an give her reward for when she potty on toilet everyday an when she does even give her high 5, fist bumps potty dance, we even said ok time to feed toilet it getting hungry in such, if she has accidents make her clean up u can help just make sure she does most of it 😉 also not needed but recommended if library local read potty training book I did an it was a game changer if any qs feel free to message I also did dresses for company over when we did naked method