Washing clothing

For babies under 1 year. How often are you washing their clothing, vests and sleepsuits?
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I wash everything after one wear, apart from socks as they go on for trips out and probably worn for couple hours at a time so she wears the same ones for a week then I wash them

Sleep sacks every couple days as long as nothing got on it everything else after each wear

They are so messy I usually wash after every wear unless it’s clean by some miracle then I’ll reuse once.

Vests(bodysuits/onesies) are every wear. Pants every 2-3 wears unless food or poo gets on em. Socks after about a week as she only wears them for leaving the house. Pajamas after 2 wears unless we have a lazy pajama day then those get changed again before bed (we have a lot of pets)

This has got to be rage bait surely? It’s after every wear there is no other answer🥴

All clothing after one wear, the only thing I washed weekly was the sleeping bag (unless I needed to wash it before that).

Everything after each wear except sleepsacks every other wear

Everything after one wear / gets dirty (between my fire hydrant let down & his overflowing diapers clothes rarely last more than 12-18 hrs) except outerwear if still clean every two uses

my daughter has plenty of clothes so I do after 1 wear and wash all of her stuff like once a week or 2 weeks. Unless it has food on it I'll wash it within a day or 3

@Laura why rage bait? This morning when I was changing my 7 month old out of her sleepsuit and into day clothing I wondered if everyone put the sleepsuit straight into the wash pile even though it is basically clean. My own clothes I’ll get a few wears from but hers are washed after one wear.

Because to me the answer is absolutely obvious that they should be getting washed after 1 wear. Washing a baby’s clothes after 2-3 or more wears is absolutely beyond bizarre to me!

@Laura out of interest, if the clothes aren’t dirty, why should they be washed after one wear? Genuinely curious x

Socks twice a week when has a bath The rest at least 2 twice a week with his bath but usually more because he ends up poor, wee or sick on it 🤣

I don’t even check to see if they’re dirty.. nappies smell, they’re crawling and walking across a floor full of germs. Food crumbs go on them, dribble, drink.. all clothing goes to be washed after every wear

@Amy but they literally are dirty🤣🤣🤣

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@Tiffany thank you👏🏼👏🏼 this may be an answer for you @Amy not that I even feel like it needs explaining because like I said to me it’s obvious

I don’t personally think nappies taint clothes given they contain the contents inside. If the child is walking I don’t think they get their clothes that dirty, but appreciate that crawlers would. If clothes are visibly dirty that’s another story. You could say the same about adults wearing trousers/jeans a few times before washing - we sit on dirty seats etc

I wash my 10 month old clothes after every wear because it's generally dirty now that she's eating.

@Amy I don’t even wear my clothes twice even if I haven’t left the house, we have pets also so them going outside or them eating and then coming over to you transfers germs. Even the cats use the litter trays. Just because something isn’t visibly dirty doesn’t mean it isn’t. You also shed a layer of dead skin cells. The general dust in the air. It all amounts up. Unless I’m just overly clean…

@Tiffany I agree to an extent, I personally think washing each item of clothing (especially for an adult) after each wear is excessive. Apart from underwear obviously. Each to their own though 😊

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