I had the same issue with my 2month old it did get better but we’ve had to change to an amino acid based formula as he seemed to get better then worse on Aptamil pepti 1 xx
My baby was on Aptamil (normal formula) from birth then was prescribed Nutramigen 1 LGG Formula after his CMPA diagnosis. But he would still reflux a bit so we were told to still give him Infant Gaviscon with all of his bottles and that seems to keep it all at bay. He's now 8 months and still has his Gaviscon with bottles x
My little on the same milk and I’ve had to put her teat size down as it was making her more sickly as it was going down to fast xx
Try to put carobel in her milk or ask for omeprazole from gp usually for very bad reflux they prescribe that. But carobel is good aswel although makes a baby stool more firm but my kids never struggled to poop from it. But be aware of gaviscon if they give that coz it makes babies constipated terribly/my experience/
Try a size 0 teat
@Caitlin ahh they have given me gaviscon powders as well to put in her bottles! Hopefully these will help x
@Ashleigh hope it settles for her soon! It's awful when they struggle after their feeds x
Pepti 1 still has cows milk protein in, it’s just broken down to help baby tolerate it. It can also take up to 4 weeks for cows milk to leave babies systems so could also be that. It could also be because it’s really thin so maybe try adding Carobel to the formula to thicken it up a bit to see if baby can keep it down that way. I was told with pepti1 to trial it for a few weeks and it no better go back where he got put on Alfamino which had no cows milk protein in at all. Although we still had to use the Carobel he was so much better on it. He’s now almost 3, we cook with soya/oat milk but we’re started the milk ladder and he’s doing really well on it.
The CMPA milks are really thin, if she's gone from a normal formula that might be why! We got some Carobel which really helped