Also she has toys which she's had for ages like wooden animals and suddenly decided she's terrified of certain ones and wants me to take them away lol I try to include them in our role play like they're kind and friendly etc. You could try talking to the plug like he's a friend while you're in the bathroom not necessarily at bath time so less pressure, maybe bring a teddy up and make it have a chat with the plug like they're mates 😅 sorry if this sounds completely insane haha this is the kind of shit that really works for my daughter tho- we're constantly having convos with inanimate objects 🤣 xxxx
No I really rate these ideas thank you, inside I'm the same like for God sake it's the same plug but I know she doesn't understand xx
We are having that too- she’s always loved the gruffolo book, tonight I was reciting it from memory as she loved it that much and then suddenly screaming terrified saying gruffolo no gruffolo no!! Same with a book with a lion with its mouth open. Read it from birth. So strange!!!
I think this is a really normal toddler phase!!! My daughter has become very nervous about noises and is constantly freaking out and running to me saying "worried" when she hears the smallest noise 😔 I just give her a hug and say calmly you're feeling worried- I'm here to keep you safe and look after you. Although internally I'm screaming FFS there's nothing to be scared about it's literally just a pigeon cooing in the garden 😅😅😅