@Joanna thank you! What baby rice are you using? My little one has CMPA also so only one I’ve found it the aptamil organic and even when I add loads of milk it’s literally like paste and he won’t take it🥲
My baby has CMPA too, we use organix baby rice, i think it does say ‘may contain milk’ but it definitely doesn’t if you look at the ingredients, I think they just cover their own back. The consistency is perfect and it mixes so so well. We just boil kettle and add formula, don’t cool it down and then add straight to baby rice, we do about 1 oz to 2 tablespoons of rice but it mixes well regardless of how much you use. My little one was so so cautious of anything going in her mouth and I think it’s because of the reflux pain etc😢
Ahhh brill I’m going to go to Asda in the morning! Thanks so much. Do you make the milk up in a bottle? Literally only boiling water and then formula? How much? Honestly I’m struggling with the amounts as his just goes like slop no matter how much I seem to add 🤣
Yeah I just make up a 2oz bottle, don’t cool it down and then add straight to baby rice. But yeah usually we do about 2 tablespoons of rice and 1oz of formula, but it doesn’t really matter cause it mixes well either way so if it’s too thick just keep adding formula till it’s consistency you want. But make sure formula is hot, I’ve found if it’s cool it doesn’t mix very well and stays bitty. It’s so overwhelming isn’t it, and then when she did start taking it I was panicking about her choking 🤣soooo stressful 😂
We started off with baby rice mixed with her normal formula so it tasted the same and got her used to having something in her mouth and swallowing it. She has bad reflux so we were advised to early wean by her paediatrician. We slowly thickened it up over a few days and then started adding a spoonful of puree to the baby rice to introduce flavours. My girl wouldn’t even put toys in her mouth at first, she’d bring her hands to her mouth with the toy and as soon as it touched her she’d drop it. We introduced the spoon before hand too, when she was sucking on her hands we’d place it in her hand and let her explore it and bring it to her mouth. If that fails, then maybe leave a few weeks and try again. A few weeks can make a massive difference to their development and confidence. We tried one week and she just wasn’t ready so we left it 2 weeks, tried again and she took to it that time xx