100% there but similarly feeling a bit guilty for wanting another as well. We're planning to start trying around October/November
Ah it's so nice to not be alone! @Toni and @Hannah we are thinking the same about trying towards the end of the year. It's just wild to think about doing it again and how could I love another person the way I love my baby xx
Yeah I also think that too and worry about having enough time for both of them but i have a sister and i can honestly say I don’t remember never having enough time with my parents 😂 I also want her to have a sibling too so she can have that bond/ experience
I am 6 months pregnant and have a 9 Month old 🙈 I’m 33.
You are not nuts. I don’t think there’s ever a right time 💛 I have an 8 month old and I’m 6.5 months pregnant. I’m 33 and an Irish twin myself (very close to that sister). Close age gaps can be so wonderful ! Obviously hard but I’m only focusing on the positives for now xx
I couldn’t think of anything worse personally 😂 but you do you x
Hi!! We’re in exactly the same boat! I’m 34 too so don’t want to wait a massive amount of time due to age. I’m going to get my coil out just before we go on holiday at the end of September then just let whatever happens happen. Then my little one will be 2 too by the time the second would be born x