Exclusively pumping and breastfeeding troubles

Hello just wondered if there are any other mums that have had problems breastfeeding and are now exclusively pumping? Breastfeeding has always been massively important to me but my baby has problems latching and feeding at the breast, he either holds my nipple in his mouth and falls asleep immediately or gets super frustrated and won’t latch and will just cry and cry :( I’ve had probably about 15 different professionals (midwives, health visitors, lactation specialists etc) watch him try and feed at the breast and no one has been able to help they just shrug and say some baby’s are just lazy and don’t want to breastfeed. It has been so demoralising after a traumatic birth that the one thing that was so important to me I haven’t been able to achieve. As a result I am exclusively pumping. I feel like my mental health has taken a massive hit. I’m not sure how I’m supposed to get anything done or have any sort of life. My baby is still feeding every three hours or sooner, by the time I’ve fed him, burped, changed and settled etc at least an hour and a half has passed and then I need to pump for 30 mins followed by cleaning and sterilising everything. At this point over two hours have gone past and I may be able to get 30 minutes sleep if that. I’m just really struggling and wondered how other mums cope with the demands of exclusively pumping and if there’s any way I can make things easier to get more sleep. I also wondered how other mums manage pumping whilst they are out and about? I feel like I have no time to myself as it is while I am at home so I’m not sure how to go about managing pumping sessions whilst out! Sorry for the long rant, any advice is very welcomed, be it about pumping or breastfeeding, as I’m at my limit and just feel utterly miserable. I desperately want to enjoy this time with my baby but I feel so drained I’m not sure what to do. I really don’t want to formula feed as breastfeeding is so important to me I’m not ready to let go yet :(
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I exclusively pumped for 7 months with my first after she basically got lazy with breastfeeding at 6 weeks old and preferred a bottle. Happy to answer any questions you have and go over my entire schedule if you wanted to drop me a message as too much to put on here 😅🩷

I have been pumping (and formula feeding) for my 4 week old as my baby and I couldn't seem to get a good latch on the breast and it was agony. I have made the decision to end pumping for lots of the reasons you've set out, it is difficult to get out of the house while on a pumping schedule, and tbh I am producing so little milk, despite pumping round the clock every 3 hours, it's a very demoralising experience. Not to mention all the cleaning and sterilising of pump parts. I decided that rather than put myself through it, I want to enjoy my time with my baby, and for me that means only having one method of feeding, formula feeding. I feel guilty and upset about the whole thing but I am producing so little milk it seems silly to continue doing something so time consuming for so little output. I had a similar experience with my first baby and she is a happy healthy toddler - formula has done her no harm. Hope you find the solution that works for you.

I'm exclusively pumping as my girl has an issue with her palate which is making it hard to breast feed. We're also being referred for tongue tie. Like you I've had lots of people trying to help but I've been told if I want to breastfeed for now I would need to do that then follow up with a bottle, and then pump which seems impossible so I'm not going to continue trying to breastfeed now. I'll keep up pumping for as long as I can, and luckily I have a good supply at the moment. I've built up a stash so I don't worry too much about pumping whilst out, unless I'm uncomfortable or round somebody's house. I would say pump as and when you can but don't feel guilty if you combi feed with formula. As long as your baby is happy and you're not pushing yourself too hard then you're good ❤️

Have you already tried shields? I exclusively pumped for my nicu baby for 4 months before supplementing with formula so in total she was having some breastmilk until about 6 months. It is HARD as you know! This time around I was aiming to breastfeed "properly" but we had latch issues after day 2 and I couldn't hand express so we gave some formula in hospital and since then I've been winging it with breastfeeding (with shields), pumping 3-4 times a day and formula and I'm really happy with the convenience and the fact he's still getting roughly 50/50 breastmilk to formula. I read even 2oz a day gives them all the benefits so you could always take the pressure off yourself short term and supplement with formula to give you a chance to start getting a little stash of milk in the freezer? Mentally it helped me if I felt I was "ahead" of the feeding schedule rather than always playing catch up! Milk making mama is also a really helpful account on Instagram.

I have wearable pumps I've used on walks/in the car/ in the pub lol so it feels better than being chained and milked! Can your partner help more overnight so he does the bottle while you pump? I used to feel really resentful that it would easily take me twice as long if it was my turn to do that feed overnight. Even if they could do the last bottle before bed it frees you up to go get a bit of extra sleep

I am in the exact same boat! Poor latch from baby, had tongue tie divided, still poor latch and screams at the boob non stop. I had 9 contacts with the infant feeding team too! Like you, I decided to pump however I am a huge undersuppier and I have tried everything to get the supply up which it has increased a bit but I’m having to go 50:50 formula and breast milk. I pump for half a hour after baby has had a bottle and has fallen asleep. The obvious thing is if time is short then the wearable pumps are going to work well for you as you can do everything as normal. I am doing this but it is a struggle when out. My only recommendation is to have 2 sets of wearable pumps. I pump before I leave the house and then when I’m next due (I go every 3 hours) then I have a clean set out with me and I usually pump on my way home from being out or I while I’m walking around. I really relate, it is really hard and demanding but I just picture it as every drop of goodness benefits baby! Xx

I’m also pumping and bottle feeding - it is very time consuming but I just keep thinking it won’t be forever! They also won’t feed as frequently for very long so it’ll be over before you know it. Also just so you know you technically only need to sterilise the pump part once per 24 hours- I personally prefer to do it every time but you don’t have to if you want to save yourself time!

I've been pumping and using that milk for approx 80% of feeds, then topping up with formula as and when needed (mostly if out and about for ease, and overnight when my partner takes an early morning feed). The wearable pumps are a lifesaver, costly but it means you can go about doing everything you'd otherwise do and forget you're even wearing it. I pump approx every 4 hours or so, and rinse the parts with hot soapy water then leave to air dry. I started with sterilising after every pump but after reading into it have learned it's not necessary and now sterilise fully once every 24 hours. I know it's disheartening when you've been set on breast feeding, but as I'm sure you've heard from many people, 'fed is best' whether it be feeding from the breast, pumping, or formula! Do whatever you need to do to make your life easier - postpartum is hard enough!

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