My HV today said 450ml of dairy at 1 year including cheese and yoghurt. Where did you see/hear the 350ml number? I wouldn't worry about being too specific about it though - as long as your child is happy, good weight, and you're somewhere in that ballpark, then follow their lead. After all, before 1, some babies had 8oz bottles, others had 6oz, so there's going to be a range, rather than one number fits all. I was combi feeding, but going back to work next week, so have recently replaced my one breastfeed a day with a snack and small cup of cows milk. The good thing about cows milk Vs formula is that you don't need to sterilise bottles/boil kettle and wait 30mins/cool it down, so you can always offer a small cows milk and a snack and then make a bit more if they clearly want more afterwards! Also having a step change at 1 year feels very odd. Our babies don't know they've suddenly hit one, so I wouldn't do any massive step change in routine at that point - just gradual changes is fine.
Thanks @Jess, all good advice, perhaps I'm overthinking it! Min 350ml is from the NHS My boy would drink max 200ml so I guess I'm just wondering whether he gets at least another 150ml from dairy, and whether breastmilk contributes at all! 🤷
Ah ok, wasn't sure which way you were wanting - i.e. trying to increase or reduce milk. Maybe just make sure they have a yoghurt most days too - can either do it as a snack or as pudding at one mealtime? Google results are mixed and don't quite answer your question, but it feels like breast milk must count too, as otherwise a EBF baby would have no dairy?! And they'd struggle to have 350ml of yoghurt (and cheese) on top of breastfeeds!!
Yeh that's exactly my point Jess! Confusing there's no clear guideline around breastfeeding + cow's milk. He has yoghurt every day as well as cheese but obviously small amounts so no idea what they would equate to ml wise! Thanks for your thoughts
My little girl has 2 7 oz bottles a day and meals and snacks In between she doesn't always drink the full amount but if your little one likes milk before naps you could water it down so they arnt having as much x