Try goats milk she if she likes that it's pretty comparable in taste and nutrients
Could be a comfort thing to maybe put a stuffy in your shirt so it gets your smell and a warm pacifier
We started with goat milk formula for toddlers and then lactose free milk and now she likes whole milk. It still has to be warm. We are still breastfeeding once a day but working on weaning.
Warm up the milk! I had the same.problem with my 13 month old. And it took a week before she even took the milk She was exclusively breastfed, no bottles what so ever.. also my mom just kinda kept her at mom dealt with her crying like a bangee for about 6 days and nights..slowly decreased day feeds as well. It took about two weeks to fully get her off the boob
Like my baby refuses to wean. He will drink water/tea from a cup or water bottle but not from a sippy unless it is a character juice thing. He refuses milk entirely. He eats great but still nurses during nap and a constant on off from3-7am every morning. I don't know how to stop ...
Maybe mix cow milk with yours til she gets a taste for it. Mothers milk is usually bitter or sweeter than cows milk