Same here. We don't have any booked appointments with them. But I have been in contact with them regarding breast feeding advice, flu issues, baby constipation, and recently chicken pox. Mostly, I call them if I have a question, and I don't think the issue require a GP appointment. My understanding is that you can contact them until LOs turn 5yrs. They also advised me on helping my older one getting her head around having a little brother.
I imagine these people are contacting the HV service to ask questions. By call or email. I’ve been in touch with them a bit about feeding issues
We have a texting system so I can ask any advice and someone will text back the same day. I'm sure they have my number blocked the amount of times a day I text them about all sorts of advice 😂
I asked for a recurring monthly appointment with mine to weigh my LO and answer any questions I have.
Yeah mine said the same that they won’t be seeing us again until around that age too! However she has said I can always call them and either chat on the phone or go and see them if I need to in between now and our next scheduled visit x