Periods after surgery
I had my right tube removed November 5th, got my period 16th of December then nothing until yesterday my period came again. I’m now ready to start TTC again but I’m worried my cycles are going to be difficult to track, is this normal following an ectopic or did everyone’s periods just go back to normal ??
I’m so sorry for your loss 🤍 I had a salpingectomy too a year ago. My first period was about 6 weeks after and then my cycles went to about 37-38 days (my normal used to be 34). That lasted about 5 months then I had a 29 day one followed by a 40. So long story short yes, it went a little irregular but I feel like it more or less settled after a year. I have a Mira fertility tracker which is an absolute godsend and worth the price for tracking. I have pcos and nothing worked as well as Mira for me to get a fully accurate picture of my hormones. Having said that I always ovulate on the left and I have no left tube. Even though people keep saying your other tube will pick up the egg, the chances of that are really small I think. A lot of people alternate ovaries each month, I know I don’t, so personally we’ve decided to go down the IVF route seeing as we’re 37 and my AMH also got halved by the ectopic. I think it varies person by person but cycles take time to settle for sure x