Get a restraining order, she’s crazy! And his family and friends need to block her. How does she even have his extended family’s information? Super weird
Yall can totally get a stalking order with this behavior man 100%
@Chinyere she seems to know everything. His auntie died recently and she was messaging him about it. I am very close with the family as I was best friend with his cousin and my dad was best mates with his cousin for 20 odd years. So we have known them for all my life and it happened between us suddenly (I didn’t know him like I knew his cousins) I am very close with his sister and best friends with his mums side. So I know quite a lot of his family but she gets information on them and messages him about it. I don’t think she knows who I am as I don’t use social media or post anything. She knew I was pregnant the first time and that we moved away, I am pregnant again but I don’t know if she knows. I don’t know how she gets her information and why she is so interested but I wish she would get on with her own life and concentrate on her child
Your parents needs to stop going along with it.